Monday, September 28, 2009

A finish...

...and a start...

As I said in my last post I had hoped to finish this by the weekend and I had... I really like this little cat design by Browyn Hayes and I was pleased the way it turned out... I wanted something to match the house and had found this design in a magazine - I enclosed the design in the arch shape as I wanted to tie it into the house design and I used the same two DMC thread colours as I had used stitching the house...

G called in yesterday on her way home from the Guild and she showed me her red work which she had started - so last night I started this Browyn Hayes design which I had bought when I was with G on one of our 'hunting and gathering' ventures...

Until next time - keep those needles threaded...

Sharon xxx

Monday, September 21, 2009


I thought it was about time to get back on board... So I have hung out the Welcome sign... I did this on my blogging break - a simple little stitchery - which I bought at one of the first Quilt Convention which are held in Melbourne each year for the last five years... It was designed by Sonya Cormaux-Jones from Patch 'n' Daisies. I didn't realise until I checked the thread list that it was in fact two blues -DMC 3750 & 931. I have also started a little cat from Browyn Hayes which was in one of the magazines - I have also done him in the same two thread colours - after all what house is complete unless it has a cat in a basket... He will be finished by the weekend all things being equal...

A little while ago if you remember I tried out some Derwent Inktense coloured pencils - I had seen the idea on Helen Stubbings site
'Hugs 'n' Kisses.. I enjoyed what I did but like a lot of other things it got shelved - or in my case - bottom drawered... I had full intentions of getting back to what I had done but in P's words - 'you make plans - you hear God laugh' - more than true here unfortunately... However on the weekend when I was browsing through the magazines at the newsagents I came across a copy of Australian Quilter's Companion magazine with a project featuring Helen with a DVD on her technique called Colourque - pronounced like applique... Later, much later on Saturday night I sat mesmerized as I watched as she walked through the technique with I believe the Editor of the above mentioned magazine... The bottom line is that Helen partly colours parts of her work with various Derwent coloured pencils then sets the colour with textile fixative... They look like beautiful pieces of applique and they add just that different dimension to your work... On the DVD she used the Derwent Studio and Artist - but she also mentioned ColourSoft and of course Inktense... If you are interested in having a go I would recommend investing in the magazine first. Me??? I am hooked and yesterday bought the fabric for the tablerunner which was the project highlighting the Colourque technique... Derwent pencils??? I have a few so I'm going to make do with what I have got although I wouldn't knock back some of the Studio or Coloursoft Derwents if I got them for Christmas...

Well enjoy the rest of your week and I will 'see' you soon...

Sharon xx