Friday, September 20, 2013

Changing Weather Brings Out..

...this 'visitor' which suggests of the promise of things to come... Our cat Matilda alerted us to 'her new toy' which was on the mat just inside the front door... I am unnaturally afraid of them - however I don't like killing them either... E who has had a couple of experiences of her own with them is much braver than me and she catches them and releases them outside - in her words "so they can grow TWICE the size before coming back inside".  I stood a respectful distance and offered helpful suggestions - most of which were ignored... Matilda was rightly indignant as she was shut up out of harm's way so E could do her spider-catching duty without her 'help'. All went well with the capture and before IT could flex any of it hairy legs it was out in the garden...

We seem to have more than our fair share of these mini beasts - the down side to the warm weather as it settles in...

Until later..

Sharon - who is now watchful for more  spidery surprises.


Gina E. said...

LOL! We've usually got one or two floating about, but we don't tell our visitors in case they refuse to come here again - ha!

MarneyMay said...

I think it is the down side of living in Australia, we seam to have more little beasties than anywhere else. I am glad he was at your house and not mine lol

Cheers Pauline

Emma Kat said...

Ooh, I hope all my cobwebs are daddy long legs. How brave of you to get close enough to photograph the beastie!