This is the view from our bedroom window... We are lucky to have a bank of Camellia trees right in front of the window and it is lovely looking out through the greenery which dotted with bright pink flowers.. I almost feel like I am sleeping in a tree house...In the morning there is a honey eater who sits in the tree and calls to its mate - the first few morning I felt like he/she was in our bedroom as it was so loud... A nice way to wake up though...
Not a stitch in sight - I keep looking at the little room which will be my stitching room - the only trouble is it is chock full of boxes still to be unpacked... But it will evolve gradually...
I am slowly coming to grips that this is my new home for a little while... It is a pretty little house with a lovely garden quite different from where we lived before... But I guess after 10 years living somewhere it take a a little getting use to living somewhere else... And deep in my soul I know this isn't the last move... But one cannot keep dwelling on what was - one has to take the challenge of change as it comes and get on with it...
So little time to do anything - the weekends whizz by and just as you get into the swing of things it is Sunday night again... One thing I did get to do was get my hands on a copy of Mollie Makes - a new English magazine which has recently hit Aussie shores... Not all news agencies stock it as yet - but I was lucky enough to stumbled across one who is fairly local and intends to have it.. I haven't had much of a chance to give it more than a quick look at but from what I have seem looks very good...
Thanks for your memories and protection over the years...
...Hello 59...
I'm looking forward to the adventures you will bring...
Well, after five weeks of looking,packing, packing, more packing and some cleaning we have arrived... This weekend is the first one we have had that we haven't had to do something... Mind you there is plenty to do but we said that this would be our 'rest' weekend and it has been... I am feeling a little lost but I am sure I will find my way....