The last year and a half has been hectic - me, changing jobs within the same brand name but in a different location and cutting back my working life to a couple of days a week and let's not forget the house moving - all that sorting, packing and unpacking!!! And of course time spent interacting with "a little possum" on a regular basis and watching her grow...
I have come back here to the blog and wandered around in it from time to time. I felt like I was care taking an empty house as I checked that all was secure within its 'walls' and I have noticed that some of my 'neighbors' in my side bars have moved on leaving no forwarding address. As I went through and deleted them I couldn't help reflect on my blogging beginnings all those years ago - long before the - as we know it now - social media of Face Book, Twitter, Instagram and goodness knows what else.. How easy is it now to communicate about your life - a word or sentence, a photo and it is done!! As I write this I can see changes in the blogger platform making it far more user friendly from those first couple of years when just getting a post written up and a photo uploaded was very much trial and error - especially the latter. I can still remember people asking me what was a blog and was it safe??? How times have changed...
Have I come back to blog? Not really sure but my thoughts are that I would give it another chance. I have discovered you tube and within that - floss tube - a cross stitching community which I love connecting with. I doubt very much I will be come vblogger - not sure if that is the correct term - however I do enjoy watching these windows into everyone lives and of course their stitching. I am hard pressed to say which I enjoy the most - the stitching or the stitchers. People have fascinate me - so to have this opportunity to interact through this media is great. Although in saying that even through blogger and the old on line chat rooms/ forums I have met a great group of people over the years - including a few who I still stay in contact with both on-line and face to face.
Now down to business... What are you most likely to see if you visit here?? Again this will be a vehicle for my stitchy, crafty life and perhaps some reading and real life to keep it equally seasoned... This was the intended purpose for this blog way back from that very first entry all those many years ago - that and for my own record of what I was doing at that time. Nothing much has changed in that respect... I am going to give it a trial for a couple of months with a once or twice a week update. If by the end of that I feel it is redundant then I too will shut it down and call it an end of an era...
So what have I been doing??? I think that I have returned to my first love - cross stitch. For all the years I have been doing it I haven't got much to show as I was easily frustrated by it and would toss it aside the moment it became too difficult. Since finding floss tube, a group of people and more importantly someone reasonably local to share my love of stitching I have fallen in love with cross stitching all over again. Giddy in love and stash building like there was no tomorrow. I think too finishing a couple of long standing pieces gave me a such a sense of satisfaction that I wanted to do more. Plus having a grand daughter has given me even a better excuse to stitch - my horizon is limitless... Whilst I may never be the greatest, fastest or complex pattern stitcher I enjoy it and it gives me both a sense of peace and accomplishment. Now I just have to live longer to stitch all that I have in my stash...
A stitching snapshot in random order... As I get more organised - hopefully so will the photos...
Take care and keep stitching...
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1 comment:
You have been busy - more than I knew! Sooooo glad to see your nice long bloggy post, I've missed them. But you are now back on my bookmarks thingy, and will be added to the side bar shortly :-)
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